Silo Fumigation

Silo Fumigation

Silo Fumigation

Silo Fumigation

Fumigation in grain silos varies according to the construction of the silos. Deep silos are generally elevator silos. In this type of silos, while the grain is being transferred from one silo to another, fluid is gassed by mixing or spraying with fumigants in tablet or powder form during the flow. The most important issue in deep silo fumigation; It is to consider whether the applied fumigant has a penetrating ability proportional to the depth. If the entire product is infected, it is necessary to fumigate in layers. Otherwise, point fumigation is done either by pulverizing the fumigant from the top or by reaching the infected parts with a probe.

The product in flat warehouses or shallow silos is sprayed by dropping tablets from the bottom and top of the stack with special probe tools, except for 50 cm dishes. This way of application is made by gradually dropping the tablets into different depths of the bulk grain from the bottom with a probe device. In silos with a depth not exceeding 3.5 m, aluminum phosphite or aluminum phosphite can be successfully applied with preparations containing active substance, which have been developed by eliminating some deficient and negative properties of aluminum phosphide.

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